Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Every moment changes

Every time i feel sad or depressed, I wish for that time to come to an end soon.

Every time I feel like someone doesn't understand me, I feel helpless and thoughtless.

How dependent sometimes we get on moments that are defined by situations is so amazing. So much so that we start hoping or expecting them to stay or leave, almost trying to wanting to get a control over life - sadly.

But so many years of learning lessons and many more to come, all of them only restate over and over again reminding me of the age-old "Change is the only constant".

I resonate with that saying today, every day and every minute i feel a certain emotion.

After so much grief, sadness, happiness, pleasure, anxiety, peace and joy - it all finally comes to an end. And every moment changes.

How you feel at a certain time does not last. Good or bad, happy or sad, it won't last and every moment will change. Every moment will be different from what you experience at the moment. And every moment changes regardless of anything else. This alone thought makes me move on from where ever I am in my mind.

Also considering the fact that life is really too long, most moments won't ultimately matter in the bigger picture. Those that matter will be a stepping stone to your destiny and you'll always remember them. Those which won't don't last anyway.

How unfortunate that the same is true for great moments that make us feel elated. They don't last either. Ultimately none of it lasts, whatever you do! And we can't control that change. It all keeps changing.

But what you can control is how you look at the changing time and what you take out of it.

And every time these changing moments shock me, as much as they do, I only say to myself:

A sleep inducing world and Im wide awake

In a thought provoking world, I lie thoughtless

But what more to say to my mind when every thing seems as huge and wide as a mountain range

It is true today and will stay forever, every moment of time in my life will most surely change!

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