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Mid Week Crisis !
Do they say time flies ?
I think there's someone who always lies.
Cause every Wednesday I feel
Time is on a constant marathon run
And trust me, that's so not fun !
Time flies not, time is an illusion
Does time exist or is it my delusion ?
Thursday feels more like hope
Happiness will be back, and I know I can cope.
With the rest of the week that's almost over
Ah, never mind, I think I can let another day hover.
Friday baby, Friday ! is oh so here !
Cant work at all, a few hours mere
Friday evenings rock the week !
My energy day and strength, everything at its peak.
Hola ! Its Saturday !! Fun fun fun.
Rest, relax, party, its all gonna be done.
Saturday midnight, oh boy ! what a day !
DaRn it, its 2 am, its already Sunday !
Depression builds up, and I feel like nothing can suck more
Why arent weeks made only of saturday's, that I completely adore
The devil of all days, comes banging its head
Yo, I'm here, is it time for you to go to bed ?
All day sunday, tension's rolling on
7 or 8, what time tomorrow should be morn ?
Its midnight on Sunday, and i cant yet sleep
There's something on my mind, down there deep.
Why is it that I think of such things only on a sunday midnight, I wonder
Such a depressing day, I think life is a blunder.
Blue blue blue, Monday morning blue
What can be an excuse ? I think I have a flu.
Long and tiring, and stretched as ever
I thought the day was going to end never.
Tuesday's on and its 2 days gone by
Yes, I think time does certainly fly
Wednesday !! What ?? !! did half the week end ?
Someone today told me in the gym, have a good weekend !
The rest of the week, how would that pass
Argh, oh my Lord ! can I get back to class ?
Whats happening dude !! half the week's gone !
Are you serious, Thursday's on ??
Yeah baby yeah ! Thursday's back
Dint I tell you, it'll soon be time to pack !!
Whats happening to me, what part did i miss ?
Or or wait !! Maybe its just the mid week crisis ?
awesome! i like the way you take it up-down-and back up!
ReplyDelete-lehar (remember?)
awesome! i like the way u took it up, brought it down, and then whoosh! back up!
(remember?) :)
awesome !! i think i've never seen a better piece about a week... you've got flair ! keep it up